Canadian Museum for Human Rights
85 Israel Asper Way
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0L5
Phone: 204-289-2000
Toll free: 877-877-6037
Fax: 204-289-2001
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TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
2465 Reviews
Be inspired; visit the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Whether you’re interested in exploring important stories, or awesome architecture, this Museum is not to be missed.
Its galleries are built around human rights themes. Using the latest technologies, oldest forms of storytelling and timeless power of art, the hundreds of stories featured here relay the importance of rights for all. The variety of content and programming means there is something of interest for visitors of all ages.
Inclusive design provides visitors with a journey that sets new world standards for universal accessibility. Bilingual exhibits and programs mean visits can be experienced in either of Canada’s official languages.
Come experience it.
Opening Hours are Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.