Anne Mulaire

421 Mulvey East (3rd floor)
Winnipeg, MB N/A

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Anne Mulaire is an expression of heritage, beauty, comfort, and pride. As a company they are committed to fair trade, environmental stewardship, and ethical business practices.

Designer Andréanne Mulaire Dandeneau is an inspired award-winning Canadian fashion designer of French Métis descent with a desire to empower the women who wear her clothing.

Andréanne was raised to embrace her Anishinaabe/French héritage, respect all people, and honour the planet we share—principles that still guide her as a businesswoman and a designer. Her mother, Huguette, raised her to care deeply about the environment and, as a teacher, taught her to be proud of her Métis heritage. Her father, David, influenced Andréanne through his art. He brings his talents to the table by creating Métis prints for the company’s Heritage Collection. Today, Huguette and David still work by Andréanne’s side—motivating and inspiring her.

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21 Forks Market Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3C 4T7
1 855 PEG CITY (734-2489)

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