Mountain Equipment Co-Op

303 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B4
Phone: 204.943.4202

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MEC is a retail co-op that sells outdoor gear, clothing and services exclusively to members. Members get the best products at fair prices, access to rental gear and one of the best guarantees around. Your purchases also help conserve the places where we play and support all Canadians getting active outside. A lifetime membership is $5, the same since 1971.

Want to try a new activity without breaking the bank? Don’t know which kayak to buy and want to test one out? Most of our stores have rental gear on hand to suit the season. We have a wide variety of equipment to rent, but selection varies by store. Visit a store page to see what’s available and complete an online reservation to secure your gear. Due to COVID-19 rental program has temporarily been paused. 

Buy, sell or swap. Since 1997, the outdoor gear swap has been our way of encouraging people to recycle used outdoor gear.

Looking for a reliable place to get your skis or snowboard serviced this winter? Most MEC stores offer professional ski shop services at competitive rates. 

Bicycle tune-up packages range from basic to premium, or you can choose individual bike services and repairs. Not sure if your bike needs work? Bring it in for a free inspection.

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21 Forks Market Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3C 4T7
1 855 PEG CITY (734-2489)

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