Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre
174 Market Avenue (John Hirsch Mainstage), 140 Rupert Avenue (Tom Hendry Warehouse)
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0P8
Phone: 204.942.6537
Toll free: 1.877.446.4500
Fax: 204.947.3741
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89 Reviews
ROYAL MANITOBA THEATRE CENTRE (ROYAL MTC) The Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre exists to celebrate the widest spectrum of theatre art. Deeply rooted in the province of Manitoba, which gave it life and provides for its growth, Royal MTC aspires to both reflect and engage the community it serves. Canada’s oldest regional theatre, each season Royal MTC produces ten plays at two venues as well as the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival, Pimootayowin: A Festival of New Work, and an annual regional tour.
Royal MTC's season runs from October to May
John Hirsch Mainstage, 174 Market Avenue – Exchange District
Tom Hendry Warehouse, 140 Rupert Avenue – Exchange District