I would have wrote about Thermëa after my first Thermal Experience, but I fell asleep as soon as I got home.
It was a deep, beautiful sleep that was brought on by easily one of the most enjoyable spa experiences of my life -- and I will tell you kids this much, Mr. Peg knows how to spa. In fact, when I write about spas I tend to wax poetic, letting the words roll off me like so many beads of sweat in Thermëa's exquisite saunas.
Thermëa by Nordik Spa-Nature is one stunning setting.
Located in the southern end of Fort Garry, nestled up to the Crescent Drive Golf Course, the building itself looks unlike anything else in Winnipeg. It's a structure that you'd expect find at the bottom of a ski resort in the Alps. As we pulled around the bend on Crescent Drive the other night Missus Peg and I jointly made an "ahh" sound as Thermëa materialized before us amongst the snow-capped trees. And how could you not when stopping before such a handsome, wood building whose windows were emitting a warm glow of light through the cold winter air. It was calling us as if to say, "hey, come soak those weary bones."
Missus Peg and I were already smitten, but once we were inside, enjoying a glass of wine (served by delightful, professional staff) and preparing ourselves for our inaugural Thermal Experience, we were head over heels for this nordic-inspired oasis.
The massive Finlandia sauna provides an ideal setting to sweat it out (Nordik Group)
Our experience started with us walking out into thermal pool area, where three pools -- one hot (the Geser, set to 39 C), one temperate (the Tempër, set to 21 C), and one cold (the Polarër, set to 10 C) -- were beckoning through a haze of steam and smoke.
The whole grounds permeates with scents of birch which burns in the multiple outdoor fire places, along with the smell of eucalyptus that is utilized to cleanse your spirits in their VAPORO steam sauna. This mix of smoke and steam swirls around in waves, creating an exotic atmosphere while also offering a bit of privacy as you move from the saunas, to the pools, back to the saunas, then to the pools and other areas that offer total relaxation.
As their website, and their knowledgable staff will tell you, this facility serves your body best when you follow the thermal sequence of hot, cold, reset.
And that is just what Missus Peg and I did -- for hours on end.
We started getting our sweat on in the massive, three-tiered Finlandia sauna, which uses over 1000 lbs. of stone placed over a massive stove. From there, I went straight under the outdoor waterfall that is part of the Polarër pool. Having the cold water run over me was invigorating to say the least, and was not near as shocking as taking a dip in an ice-covered lake (in fact, after a couple cold seconds the experience became utterly refreshing).
From there it was on to the The Vaporo building where we first exfoliated with lavender salts, then it was into the VAPORO orange sauna, whose steam is layered with the scent of natural orange peels. It did wonders for my sinus while easing all my limbs. Then, it was back to the cold waterfall followed by a long, deep soak in the Geser (hot pool).
The Relaxa rooms are ideal for naps (Nordik Group)
We did this sequence for quite some time, at a most leisurely pace, with a final lengthy stay in the Relaxa (the relaxation pavilion). It features these amazing heated stone benches, a babbling water feature that creates an added acoustic atmosphere, and heated stone mattresses. We helped ourselves to the Relaxa's tea station, put on the supplied headphones, and really just got into the relaxation zone on these heated mattresses.
I tell you I'm no wizard, but this place is total magic.
And the best part is this costs just $45 to use the thermal facilities all day long. (Friday to Sunday it's $49). They also do messages and other body treatments -- which all sound incredible -- while their full-service restaurant is meant for guests only, so you are encouraged to dine in your robe (which is exactly the way Mister Peg likes to take his meals).
Here is a full list of prices and services.
As I was saying, the Missus and I will be back -- often.
We'll be seeing you at Thermëa.