Winnie the Bear Statue

Nature Playground in Assiniboine Park
Winnipeg, MB
Phone: 204.888.5466

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Did you know Winnie The Pooh was named after Winnipeg? Formerly located in the Assiniboine Park Zoo, the well-known statue of Lt. Harry Colebourn and Winnie the Bear now has a new home inside the Nature Playground at Assiniboine Park. Originally unveiled on August 6, 1992, the bronze statue and plaque was donated by the Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg. Crafted by artist William Epp, the piece was created as a way to permanently commemorate the story of Lt. Colebourn and Winnie the Bear, the forerunner for the children’s storybook character, Winnie the Pooh.

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21 Forks Market Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3C 4T7
1 855 PEG CITY (734-2489)

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