Presented to an individual, organization or business that collaborates with Tourism Winnipeg and demonstrates a strong commitment to increasing visitation by contributing to the growth and success of Winnipeg’s tourism industry.
Award Winner
Tom Borsa
Tom Borsa has been an integral partner supporting a variety of tourism-related
initiatives and countless meetings, conventions, sports and special events throughout
the city. His knowledge and experience in A/V technology have ensured sound
experiences in the city are not only dynamic, but seamless for participants to feel
more engaged. Tom always puts his clients first; often you’ll find him working tirelessly
behind the scenes as A/V can make or break an event. Tom has shared his expertise
even when Encore Canada could not be the service provider – a true test of one’s
dedication as a partner. Tom is a long-time Team Winnipeg stakeholder and sits on
the Team Winnipeg Advisory Committee, providing his advice and guidance.