Winnipeg, a foodie's playground. (Photo by Tourism Winnipeg.)
Winnipeg’s food scene is vibrant, evolving and exciting. Here are some of the hottest trends, best new restaurants, events and movers and shakers in the local industry—from A to Z. Today's final edition: R to Z
R is for restaurants. Tourism Winnipeg has a comprehensive list of Winnipeg restaurants online. Restaurants can be searched by location and cuisine. Click here to get started. The site is a fantastic resource for visitors as well as locals looking for that perfect place to eat.
S is for Sam Colosimo. This Winnipeg restaurateur is quickly building a food empire in Winnipeg. Colosimo owns six restaurants and lounges in the city. Brooklynn's Bistro and Boa lounge are favourites among the downtown, Exchange District regulars. Union Sound Hall, a live music venue and restaurant in the east Exchange District is one of his newest additions. He also opened Mano a Mano, Teo's and Market Burger all within two months in summer 2013.
T is for The Grove. Upscale Grosvenor Street pub, The Grove is in the midst of opening its second location. The new location, at the corner of River and Osborne is expected to open in early December 2013. Papa Georges, a late-late-night restaurant popular with the post-pub, bar and club set, vacated the location early in 2013 after decades in business. The Grove is undertaking a major renovation to the space to bring it up to snuff.
U is for Unburger. The Osborne Village area burger palace has won loads of accolades since opening several years ago. It's name may suggest a vegetarian menu but Unburger serves all kinds of burgers, all made with local ingredients. In 2014, the popular spot will expand, adding a second location and renaming itself. The owners are keeping the new name and location under wraps for now.
V is for View. Prairie 360˚ is set to have Winnipeg's finest view in the city. The revolving restaurant, located on the top of Fort Garry Place, is scheduled to open on November 11, 2013. The menu promises to be a homage to Manitoba ingredients and regional cuisine. A whisky lounge will round out the experience.
W is for wings. Popular Winnipeg food truck, Little Bones Wingery, will open a bricks and mortar restaurant in Transcona in early December. The chicken wing truck became an instant hit on city streets when it rolled out in summer 2012. Since then, it has been spotted regularly in the Exchange District and a festivals throughout Winnipeg and farther afield.
X is for extreme weather. A small fleet of Winnipeg food trucks will stay on streets all winter long. On A Roll, Vilai's Spice Box and Tot Wheels all plan to sell their street eats no matter how low the temperature drops. Well, colder than -30˚C might be a stretch. Even -10˚C could seem a bit chilly inside those mobile kitchens. For daily locations follow the trucks on Twitter @vilaisspicebox @totwheelswpg and @OnARollWpg
Y is for young minds. Red River College's Culinary Arts Program churns out fantastic new chefs and budding foodies. Some of Winnipeg's top chefs, including Adam Donnelly, Michael Dacquisto, Eric Lee and Osten Rice, were all taught the foundation of their trade at the Winnipeg institution. Locals and visitors can taste that excellence in the making at Jane's, an upscale, haute Prairie cuisine restaurant on campus. (It's open for lunch and dinner Tuesday to Friday. Reservations are required.)
Z is for Zebra. I have yet to find this exotic meat on any menu in Winnipeg.
Peg City Grub is your ultimate source for everything foodie in Winnipeg. From the hottest chefs to the best new restaurants to the most delicious events, we’ve got you covered. Follow us on Twitter @pegcitygrub and visit for more on the city’s fabulous dining options.
Peg City Grub is a Tourism Winnipeg culinary initiative.