
1-1650 Kenaston Blvd
Winnipeg, MB R3P 2M6
Phone: 204.615.2009

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TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
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Reinventing what a burger could be from familiar classics to outlandishly awesome. Aiming to eliminate the Burger Hangover, we focus on balance and nutrition with tasty sauces with less oil, salt, and sugar, fresh wholesome toppings and locally-raised grass-fed cattle.Delicious, juicy, GUILT-FREE burgers. 

Other locations include:

1596 Regent Avenue W.
The Forks Market
1650 Kenaston Blvd.
472 Stradbrook Avenue

Check out our Peg City Grub review of Nuburger here

Visitor Information

21 Forks Market Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3C 4T7
1 855 PEG CITY (734-2489)

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